TOP 6 Amazing Real Estate Video Ideas To Help You Sell More

Real estate video introduction is an effective way to attract potential customers

Video is an effective way to advertise real estate today. Better understand the needs and desires of customers, real estate brokers and agents also gradually focus on bringing more real estate videos into promotional campaigns. However, it is not easy to create quality videos that stand out from the competition in the market. This article suggests you attractive real estate video ideas, attracting viewers at first sight! 

Suggest interesting real estate video ideas that attract viewers
Suggest interesting real estate video ideas that attract viewers

Creative professional real estate video with service from BAYREPO

Real estate video marketing is a form of marketing that uses a combination of project promotional videos, customer testimonial videos, and videos providing real estate information,… to increase engagement and attract potential customers.

Real estate videos have a very high conversion rate. The more engaging and professional the real estate video is, the more likely it will be to attract potential buyers and motivate them to make a decision. However, not everyone can afford and have the time to create stunning, impressive real estate videos themselves.

Anyone who has a real estate business need should use real estate video editing services
Anyone who has a real estate business need should use real estate video editing services

Understanding that, real estate photo editing service at BAY REPO was born. We provide professional, high-quality photo editing services for photographers, real estate agents, brokers, or property owners. Just provide realistic videos of your project, we will suggest suitable real estate video ideas and turn them into reality.

BAY REPO’s impressive real estate video template

Benefits of using real estate video editing services at BAY REPO

Video is a powerful medium for real estate agents to promote their products/services. Professional real estate video editing services bring many important benefits such as:

Help stand out from the competition

Video marketing is an extremely effective way to reach your target audience. When customers see the video, they are not simply watching an advertisement but it is also a real estate project experience.

With the real estate video editing service at BAY REPO, we provide quality videos for marketing campaigns. As a result, your brand can make a difference from your competitors.

Attract potential customers

According to a Nielsen study, video marketing is currently the most popular marketing channel for consumers. Real estate video ideas will contribute to attracting potential customers. This is a very important first step, motivating customers to want to learn more information about real estate.

Real estate video introduction is an effective way to attract potential customers
Real estate video introduction is an effective way to attract potential customers

Real estate agents or brokerage centers will need professional real estate advertising videos to attract potential buyers or investors. When a customer visits any website or social networking site to search for information about a real estate project, the vivid, visually informative promotional video will surely make them immediately attracted.

Researching real estate projects in advance via video is often the top priority of potential buyers. If videos are really impressive, they will motivate customers to find information and visit the project soon.

Effective interaction across channels

Video marketing is valued for its marketing effectiveness due to its flexibility and reach. A short video introduction about an apartment or house project can be posted anywhere such as: website, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or in emails,… Actual data shows, upload video on social networking platforms get 1200% more interactions and shares than text and images. And the professional real estate video editing service at BAY REPO will help you get there!

Increase sales

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways for businesses to increase sales. The main benefit of video marketing is that it allows creating a more engaging experience for customers. This helps customers remember the brand, making them more likely to buy the product/service in the future.

In fact, real estate agents and brokers who use promotional videos for projects have a 1.5 times faster revenue growth rate than those not using this form of marketing.

Any real estate buyer or investor wants an overview of the project
Any real estate buyer or investor wants an overview of the project

With the great benefits that the real estate marketing video editing service at BAY REPO, do not hesitate to experience!

BAY REPO suggests top 6 attractive and effective real estate video ideas

Real estate marketing videos are not limited to any format but can be as creative as possible. In fact, there are many types of real estate marketing videos that have been implemented and effective by many people. BAY REPO will give you a few suggestions below for your reference!

House tour type

Video introducing houses, villas, apartments in the form of a tour is considered the most popular idea. Why send customers dozens of information when you can show them “all” about a real estate project with just one video?

When watching a beautiful real estate video with many realistic angles about the house space, luxurious interior, spacious garden, etc. – are you intrigued by it? In fact, 63% of potential home buyers visited the property and made a buying decision immediately after watching the video. This can show how effective a tour video (introducing a sequential  list of each room of a real estate project) can be effective in promoting sales transactions.

Video sample real estate tour (introducing a sequential list of each room of a real estate project)

Real estate agents can hire photographers to shoot, or they can shoot themselves with a smartphone. Just make sure the video is of good quality, high resolution, and avoids jittery images. As a final step, the video needs to be edited and added music or subtitles. 

Introducing real estate agent profile

Real estate is a product of great value, so buyers will need a lot of time to consider, find information on the internet or consult friends and relatives to choose the best supplier. . That is why credibility will be the top factor for successful real estate agents in the market. One of the most effective ways to build trust with clients is to use professional real estate agent introduction videos.

Video introducing real estate agent profile creates trust for customers
Video introducing real estate agent profile creates trust for customers

The video introducing real estate agent profile highlights how they can help buyers make their home buying journey simple and quick. Video structure is usually quite simple: problem, solution and call to action (CTA). However, the effectiveness of this type of video is quite good when it comes to leaving viewers with a clear message.

Testimonial videos from customers

From the perspective of a real estate agent or broker, it is difficult for you to make customers believe in the quality of your products/services without having valid testimonials from specific customers. body. Instead of asking old customers to write reviews, ask them to share their comments, and compliments on your service, and compile them into a short video.

In fact, potential real estate buyers often have a high degree of trust in the testimonials of previous customers. Based on that, their buying decisions are also gradually affected. Using additional convincing evidence such as statistics or awards also increases your credibility. And don’t forget to provide your contact information at the end of the video!

Introduction of the area’s amenities

Don’t just focus on the house, show your customers both the surrounding area and the nearby amenities. Because what potential buyers are interested in is not only the right living space, but also the surrounding environmental factors. Such as:

  • Is the transportation system convenient?
  • Is it close to schools, supermarkets, shopping centers, hospitals, etc.?
  • How’s the neighbor?
  • Is the population density of the area dense?
Potential buyers are also very interested in the area's amenities when looking to buy real estate
Potential buyers are also very interested in the area’s amenities when looking to buy real estate

From a potential buyer’s need to learn about the area’s amenities, we could consider it an idea to build a video. Not only focusing on introducing real estate but also showing the outstanding features of the surrounding area. The best way is to use drones to show the whole scene around the property. From there, the facilities are highlighted: schools, supermarkets, medical centers, amusement parks, …

Video providing information about the real estate market

The real estate market is changing rapidly. Your mission is to stay ahead of the game and keep your customers informed with important information for their buying decisions. By aggregating data from a variety of sources, you can create a series of videos about the real estate market. Suggestions for you are that you can make a video in the form of a market report or as a short report with brief and easy-to-understand information.

Video providing information about the real estate market
Video providing information about the real estate market

Funny and interesting real estate introduction video

Real estate video doesn’t have to be so serious and rigid as the stereotype. You can customize them appropriately to make the video more attractive and attract customers. Funny real estate videos with interesting, fun images make it easy to write your brand story and get closer to your customers. However, it should be noted that the script and dialogue do not affect any individual or organization.

Effective real estate video advertising and sharing channels

  • Social Media: This is considered the best channel to reach potential customers because of the huge number of users accessing daily and hourly. Popular social media channels include: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube,…
  • Email Marketing: is known as an effective form of marketing, easy to reach customers to introduce products/services.
  • Website: Investing in SEO helps your website appear in higher Google rankings. From there easily reach potential customers, increase web traffic as well as increase conversion rate.
Starting the video with a drone shot from above is a great idea
Starting the video with a drone shot from above is a great idea


Professional real estate videos play an important role in every marketing campaign. However, creating professional, high-quality videos can seem difficult for those who are not proficient in editing. BAY REPO provides professional real estate video editing services at very affordable prices. Your job is to ensure the most authentic and unique footage of the real estate project, the rest is taken care of by BAY REPO.If you are in need of creating real estate videos for upcoming marketing campaigns, please contact BAY REPO immediately for detailed advice!

Address: Green Bay Building – Thang Long Avenue, Me Tri Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Viet Nam

Email: [email protected]

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